The Intuitive Practice Blueprint




​September 13-15, 20183-Full DaysNew York City​Yotel New York, 10th Avenue

3 ​full ​days of unleashing your Intuitive Potential (and learning proven practice-building methods)

Join renowned Medical Intuitive Dr. Veronica Anderson, MD, and like-minded practitioners who are all committed to bringing spirituality back to healthcare.

You’ve never been to an event like this.

At this 3 day event, Dr. Veronica will reveal her proven practitioner protocol, equipping you to reach your patients in ways you never have before. This is your rare and exclusive opportunity to work on real patient cases with Dr. Veronica – a licensed physician and practicing psychic – and see how she blends these skills. She’ll walk you through her 5 M’s of her Intuitive Medical Approach (™), teaching you every aspect of how to succeed in your journey.

The 5 M’s of The Intuitive Medical Approach (™)


Learn to completely shift your way of thinking about medicine. You know patients are individuals, not a collections of symptoms. Learn to understand them on a deeper level than you ever thought possible.


Every intuitive has a unique approach and style that makes their work their own. The point of this event isn’t to create mini-Dr. Veronicas who all adopt a single cookie-cutter approach to patient care. The beauty of this event is that  you’ll be coaching through the application of your own talents.


One of the most common issues healthcare professionals face is learning to value their work. Dr. Veronica will walk you through the process of creating a profitable, thriving business. Learn to value yourself more – and ask for more!

You’ll experience Dr. Veronica’s Earning Energy Assessment (™). Get your money blueprint and discover how your money blocks are interfering  with your patients getting well. Gain the financial freedom you’ve been craving.


How do you talk about your work and make your skills known to the public at large?. Most conferences will only give you a sneak peek into the most basic messaging efforts – instead of the real secrets to establishing your presence. At this event, you’ll find out how to attract more clients and help more people than you ever have before.


Spirituality and Intuition requires us all to work as both mentors and mentees. Once you’ve walked through your own training, you’ll be equipped to coach others and perform your own Grand Rounds.

Don’t miss your opportunity!

Does this sound like you?

You and your patients have great rapport, and you want

to help them on a deeper level.

You want to use any and all tools available to facilitate

their healing, including tapping into intuition, to get to

the root of the problem – and fix it.

You know there’s a place for “traditional, Western

medicine” like pharmaceuticals and surgery, and you’re

excited to learn other ways to heal your patients.

Don’t miss out on the early, early bird ​savings​ end 8/31

Here’s a fun fact for you:

A 2018 study reported that what is most lacking from healthcare is spirituality – and how it integrates into the healing process.

If you’re ready to bring spirituality into your practice because you know your patients want that – and you believe that the integration will facilitate even deeper healing.

Patients are craving more information behind the meaning of their illnesses and injuries and are coming to healthcare practitioners with these deep questions. Do you have any real proven system for guiding them in the right directions?

Hi, I’m Doctor

Veronica Anderson

I started off my career as a Board-certified Eye Surgeon. I’ve known since the age of four that I was destined to be a doctor – to help people – yet after medical school I found that being a doctor also meant mounting expenses, which meant I had to keep raising my patient load. That wasn’t what I wanted! I wanted to heal people – the whole person, including their mind and soul. Complicated issues that no one else was able to touch. I wanted to focus in like a laser to immediately  treat their problems, I had patients with problems and knew it was in their heads, yet they had confirmed issues that showed up as complex physical problems and abnormal test results. 

I watched so many people suffer as they looked for more answers, and I’ve always known that there is a better way. I could always “see” people’s issue even before I knew exactly what ​Medical Intuition was. The answers just came to me, seemingly out of thin air.

As a licensed physician who is also trained and certified in Functional Medicine and Homeopathy, I realized that the most transformative service I provide to my clients is Medical Intuition. Today, I’ve helped people thousands of miles away that I have never seen or meet.

I’ve had the ability to provide answers that Western medicine couldn’t find through testing, and helped people shift and transform their health rapidly to a better place. Now I get to use my Ivy League degree and my medical intuitive skills to help YOU find answers. Answers that complement whatever else you’re doing, without contradictions or adverse side effects.

I’m on a mission to help other healthcare professionals in all specialties to access their own intuition, so they can help their patients find answers – and be well!

My 3-day event, The Intuitive Practice Blueprint, will change how you practice medicine forever.

Curious if this event is for you?

If you are an MD or DO, a chiropractor, naturopath, nurse, physician’s assistant, ​Ayurvedic specialist, TCM specialist, acupuncturist, psychologist, physical therapist, nutritionist, or health coach this could be just what you have been looking for to transform your practice. Let’s see if you’re a good fit!

Does any of this sound familiar?

You’ve always been curious about medical intuition and energy medicine…

You know you have an amazing gift, are raved about by your close circles, but there’s not many people who know about you…

You’ve had your practice for a while but feel stuck – stuck with your income, your model, or your time…

You understand how important spirituality is in relation to physical health but have no idea how to integrate it into your practice

Or maybe you’ve had your own big health crisis that you knew had serious emotional and spiritual underpinnings

You want to understand how to relate with your patients and clients and address their spiritual questions about the meaning of their illness

You’re ready to integrate intuition into your practice and want a clear plan to follow

You’ve gone through other programs, trainings or events and still don’t have a practice model that works

You struggle with how to price your services and asking for what you’re worth

You’re tired and feeling guilty about being busy and broke

You’re already using medical intuition and spirituality but you’re giving it away. You’re not claiming your worth…

You have a lot of letters behind your name, but haven’t quite figured out what your niche is and how to make the money you want doing it

Instead do you want…

Clarity and focus on the exact tools and techniques to bring it into your practice seamlessly.

Not to be known as just another healthcare provider, but you want to be known as the practitioner that provides guidance for both the physical and the spiritual healing

To get unstuck from the ups and downs financially and have more people demanding your services

A proven step-by-step system to use medical intuition and give spiritual advice

To feel confident with exactly how to deliver to your clients or patients what THEY want and needTo understand how to focus your efforts so you get the quickest and biggest transformation for patients and clients.

To wake up every day and love your practice, your patients, and your life!?

To stop letting people “pick your brain” and instead have them become generously paying patients

To bundle and price your services and expertise, so that you set yourself apart from your competition

Does that sound like you?Then join us at The Intuitive Practice Blueprint!

Before the price increase​ on 8/31

What You’ll Learn

Receive real-time coaching

Create your own intuitive style plan

Learn to value & brand your spiritual services

Master Dr. Veronica’s proven practitioner protocol

Have your questions answered

Gain clarity and focus with precise tools

Find your spiritual practice niche

Discover how to get your patients’ attention

Sound Good?

Sign up today before ticket prices go up!

Don’t miss out on the early, early bird​ savings ends 8/31

What You’ll Experience

Unforgettable moments, find your tribe, gain the resources and support to propel you forward!

Real-time practice

Life-changing ​connections

​Shareable moments

Inspiring ​peer stories

Yummy food (VIP Lunch Available)

Dance Party! Bring those dancing shoes!

What You’ll Take Away

Mindset: Shifting to the energy medicine paradigm

Methods: Breakthrough skills with repeatable protocols

Money: Transform your earning energy 

Messaging: Spiritual client attraction strategies

Mentorship: Training, coaching, and masterminding

Memories: Leave inspired & empowered

​Before the price increase​ on 8/31

Frequently Asked Questions

How will attending this event help my practice?

This event is about helping you learn medical intuition and empowering you to get your work out in a big way with systems to build a practice that fully supports you! Whether you’re just getting started or have been in practice for many years, this event is designed to help you reach your next level.

What if I am already in other programs or feeling overwhelmed with too many options of what to do with my practice?

Whether you’re in other programs or feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there on how to do medical intuition and grow your practice, you’re here reading this for a reason. Maybe you feel something is still missing…or what you’re implementing isn’t quite “you”. Or maybe you just want more for yourself and your practice.

Our systems are designed to end the overload, not add to it, while giving you structures that are plug-and-play so you can customize them to your unique style and practice. What’s really exciting about The Intuitive Practice Blueprint is we’re going to show you our methods for making major shifts to your practice and patients by learning to quickly get to the physical and spiritual roots of patient’s health issues, in a more efficient way…we call this The Blueprint.

Will I have the chance to interact with Dr. Veronica?

Yes! The Intuitive Practice Blueprint is a highly interactive event combining in-depth trainings, hands-on practice and real-time coaching. Dr. Veronica loves to mingle with the community and we’ve built this into the event! These days, it costs $20,000 a day to work with Dr. Veronica privately — but you get to spend 3 days learning from her at a fraction of the cost by attending The Intuitive Practice Blueprint.

Are accommodations included in the packages?

No, but if you invite a guest at the special rate of $197, you could split all of the investments in half! You will receive all the details as soon as you register! We have a special rate from the hotel for The Intuitive Practice Blueprint attendees. There are also multiple accommodation choices in New York City. Dr. Veronica’s team will be happy to help you identify options.

When and where is the event?

The Intuitive Practice Blueprint is September 13-15, 2018 in New York, New York. The Yotel New York is on 10th Avenue. The event runs 3-full days, from 8:30 – 5:30 PM. For VIP Attendees there are VIP events starting the evening of the 12th. We end on Saturday evening just so you can enjoy the evening and Sunday enjoying New York City – the Big Apple. Be sure to reserve your event seat today because we have a limited amount of space and news of the event is being delivered to over 100,000 people.

What if I have to cancel my trip?

If unexpected circumstances arise that make it impossible for you to join us live and in person, you may transfer your ticket to a future event as a one-time only transfer.

How many people do you expect to attend?

We are limiting The Intuitive Practice Blueprint to maintain a connected community, and to keep the event style format so attendees get the maximum value. You’ll be spending time with a curated group of motivated, dedicated and heart-centered practitioners so you leave with a plan and the connections to break through to your next level!

Will there be selling at this event?

This event is built around training content, deep support, and to guiding you through the ways to achieve even better results in your practice. So while there will be opportunities to engage deeper with our campus, this is NOT a pitch fest. We believe that sticking with us through your intuitive and practice journey is how to continue to grow your intuitive skills and exponentially increase your practice and income. But if you come just for the event and don’t accept our invitation to support you further, we believe you’re still going to leave happy, empowered and with a crystal clear plan to rapidly accelerate your intuition and income!

​Before the price increase​ on 8/31